entry 001 : benjamin.

Today was a rough day, me and my girlfriend broke up. Im scared that shes gone but im sure she wouldnt leave her other friends like that. I know shes better than that.

Ah, i've forgotten to inroduce myself, im benjamin, the protecter of the system, i think. I dont't have alot to write about though, so, goodbye for now.

entry 002 : fuko .

guh im so confused with this whole " system " thing , i cant tell if im a kinsystem , a parasian-median system , or just a singlet that got so lonely theyre delusional .

its even worse because im front stuck . i can only use my mind-image-thingy to picture the headspace or try and reality shift into it ( its a treehouse btw lol )

i can barely talk to my alters , and they cant control my body easily .

basically , how our " fronting " works is that i start to feel intense guilt if i dont act like the alter thats fronting .

entry 002 : fukouna

i added an -una to my name , bcos i only cause misery . ive caused 2 people to have depression in the NPC WCUE wiki . im trying so hard to not crash out rn .

i lied to the person who i gave depresson , i said i didnt hate them when i hate them with all m existence , all theyve caused me is misery and pain snd even gave me depression too .

so eevee , if youre reading , i hate you , youre a horrible person .

entry 003 : fukouna

our headspace changed , it went from a treehouse to a liminal house alone on a hill , a big yellow house . our walls are yellow with red small arrows point downwards and dark brown floorboards . I think this might be it , i have a vivid pcture of it in my mind and it feels familiar , like ive seen it somewhere b4 , but when i look it up , nothing pops up .

entry 004 : fukouna

HELP ME A JOE HAWLEY ALTER FORMED ?!?!? I DID NOT WANT THIS 😭 😭 😭 . anyways we have two new alters , which is joe hawley and blank . blank is in charge of being the placeholder when nobody makes it to the body in time and to stop new , uncessesary alters from forming . joe hawley stays in his room and blank is trying to kick him out .
